Sunday, November 29, 2009

My question is. HOW. ? is Hip Hop bad ?

Okay. So. My input. is. The " questionable lyricists. " Sticks and stones may break my bones _ But Words will never hurt me. You ask. How can they talk "bad" on one. Use the N'word { the modern version . ***** . not ****** } You ask where the difference. How can they call one, male/females *****, etc

1. Point. The words of choice. Describe the view of their art, poetry. Some words jst fit better, then the other. A Thesaurus.

* They seem only to see the bad. And never the good. An intellectual. Intelligent person. Not all HIP HIP, talk about drugs, sex, etc. Have you've seen/heard of the good. The songs with a positive message. Or do you give no credit to them . " Even the Ones who talk about the sales of drugs. and etc. Is a marketing of what they have endured. A hard shift. In which they can help someone else. live a better life. not making the mistakes they have made.

2. Point. The N'Bomb. In which a new generations made good from evil. Just Like . The song . Yankee Doodle . The British made this song up. to poke fun of the Americans. Which turn out in the end. An "American" Classic. In that case, Took evil. into a form of good. ... ....

3. Point - In the videos. You say they paint a bad image of the female body. But How? I ' ask you. Isn't it ART. The music. Paint a picture to what they see. Or feel to be pleasing. .. What about to statue of David. A full naked male. But where the double standard . What about Micheal Angelo . Art from century's ago. Full nakedness. But the problem we only see is in the Rap videos.

... My question is. HOW. ? is Hip Hop bad ?

My question is. HOW. ? is Hip Hop bad ?myspace comments

Hip hop is bad if that is the only image portrayed of one group of people. While that may not be true, most Americans equate hip hop with the life of all African Americans in their society today.

While I do not disagree that there are some positive messages in some rap songs, the context and manner in which they choose to portray their message and their art do not seem to get that point cross to their audience. A movie, play, painting or song can be brilliant in its message, but if the audience does not understand it, then there is no point.

Your other point about creating a bad image of the female body is something that I have not heard before. I have heard that the videos are degrading and debasing to women because they treat them as sex objects that only exist to pleasure a man. Not because they are thin or fat, but because they have no ideas or thoughts of their own, have no value, are stupid, and if they couldn't provide sexual pleasure are absolutely worthless.

Your last point is turning a bad term into a good term. I assume that might be the case with the N-word, but it just seems like there are much easier and more effective ways to do the same thing.

My question is. HOW. ? is Hip Hop bad ?myspace codes

Buy the DVD. Enlighten yourself.

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